Modules and Functions
Creating a Simple Module
A programming language isn't much use if you can only run code from a REPL. So next we will write a small LFE program in a file on the file system. In the same directory that you started the LFE REPL, create a new file called tut1.lfe
(the filename is important: be sure you type it just as we have) using your favourite text editor.
Here's the code to enter:
(defmodule tut1
(export all))
(defun double (x)
(* 2 x))
It's not hard to guess that this "program" doubles the value of numbers. We'll get back to the first two lines later. Let's compile the program. This can be done in the LFE REPL as shown below:
lfe> (c "tut1.lfe")
#(module tut1)
The #(module tut1)
tells you that the compilation was successful. If it said "error" instead, you have made some mistake in the text you entered and there will also be error messages to give you some idea as to what has gone wrong so you can change what you have written and try again.
Now lets run the program.
lfe> (tut1:double 108)
As expected, 108
doubled is 216.
Now let's get back to the first two lines. LFE programs are written in files. Each file contains what we call an LFE module. The first line of code in the module tells LFE that we're defining a module and giving it a name:
(defmodule tut1
The name of our module is tut1
and the file which is used to store the module must have the same name as the module but with the .lfe
extension. In our case the file name is tut1.lfe
In LFE, whenever we use a function that has been defined in another module, we use the syntax, (module:function argument1 argument2 ...)
. So
lfe> (tut1:double 108)
means "call the function double
in the module tut1
with the argument of 108
The second line tells LFE which functions we will be exporting -- in this case, all of them (which is only one ...):
(export all))
If we wanted to be explicit about which functions were to be exported, we would have written:
(defmodule tut1
(export (double 1)))
That says "in the module tut1
, please make available the function called double
which takes one argument" (x
in our example). By "make available" we mean that this function can be called from outside the module tut1
A More Complicated Example
Now for a more complicated example, the factorial of a number (e.g. factorial of 4 is 4 * 3 * 2 * 1). Enter the following code in a file called tut2.lfe
(defmodule tut2
(export (fac 1)))
(defun fac
((1) 1)
((n) (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
Compile the file
lfe> (c "tut2.lfe")
#(module tut2)
And now calculate the factorial of 4.
lfe> (tut2:fac 4)
The function fac
contains two parts. The first part:
((1) 1)
says that the factorial of 1 is 1. Note that this part is a separate list in the function definition where the first element is a list of the arguments to the function and the rest is the body of the function. The second part:
((n) (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
says that the factorial of n is n multiplied by the factorial of n - 1. After this part which is the last part we end the function definition with the closing )
A function can have many arguments. Let's expand the module tut2
with the rather stupid function to multiply two numbers:
(defmodule tut3
(export (fac 1) (mult 2)))
(defun fac
((1) 1)
((n) (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
(defun mult (x y)
(* x y))
Note that we have also had to expand the (export
line with the information that there is another function mult
with two arguments. Compile the file:
lfe> (c "tut3.lfe")
#(module tut3)
and try it out:
lfe> (tut3:mult 3 4)
In the example above the numbers are integers and the arguments in the functions in the code, n
, x
, y
are called variables. Examples of variables could be number
, shoe-size
, age
Note that when a function has only one part and all the arguments are variables then we can use the shorter form we saw in double
and mult
. This means that we could also have written mult
(defun mult
((x y) (* x y)))