What is LFE?
LFE stands for "Lisp Flavoured Erlang". It's a Lisp dialect written on top of the Erlang Virtual Machine (also known as the "BEAM"). Erlang syntax looks like this:
factors(N) ->
factors(1,_,Acc) -> Acc;
factors(N,K,Acc) when N rem K == 0 ->
factors(N div K,K, [K|Acc]);
factors(N,K,Acc) ->
LFE syntax looks like this:
(defun factors (n)
(factors n 2 '()))
(defun factors
((1 _ acc)
((n k acc) (when (== 0 (rem n k)))
(factors (div n k) k (cons k acc)))
((n k acc)
(factors n (+ k 1) acc)))
You don't need to worry about that code or what it means: it's just there to give you a "feel" of these two Erlang syntaxes (LFE in particular!), a visual sense of how the two languages are the same underneath, but superficially different (we'll be discussing syntax very shortly!)
If you don't have LFE installed on your computer, no need to worry -- in the first chapter, you will be setting up LFE so that you can follow along in this book.