
In the REPL

To set a variable in the LFE REPL, use the set macro:

lfe> (set answer 42)

In the language itself, LFE doesn't support global variables -- a valuable feature inherited from Erlang. However, in order for a REPL experience to be useful, an environment must be maintained in which the user may write expressions and then refer to them later. This environment is essentially a mechanism for global state in the context of a single user running a single Erlang VM. If we set a variable called answer, that variable will be available to us as long as the REPL process continues or until we reset the environment.

Setting another value with the same variable name is allowed: it merely replaces the assignment in the current REPL environment:

lfe> (set answer "forty-two")

With a variable assigned with set it may be used at any time in the REPL environment where it was defined:

lfe> (++ "The answer is " answer)
"The answer is forty-two"

Attempting to use a variable that has not been defined results in an error:

lfe> (++ "The question was " question)
** exception error: symbol question is unbound
  in lfe_eval:eval_error/1 (src/lfe_eval.erl, line 1292)
  in lists:map/2 (lists.erl, line 1243)
  in lists:map/2 (lists.erl, line 1243)

If you don't have any need to update the environment with data that you only need for a specific calculation, you may use the let form:

lfe> (let ((short-lived-value (* 2 (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6))))
lfe>   (io:format "The answer is ~p~n" `(,short-lived-value)))
The answer is 42

Let's make sure that variable wasn't saved to our environment:

lfe> short-lived-value
** exception error: symbol short-lived-value is unbound

The lexical scope for the short-lived-value is within the let only and is not available outside of that scope.

In Functions and Macros

Within functions, variables are lexically scoped and bound with let and let*. One may also define lexically scoped functions inside other fucntions, and this is done with flet and fletrec (the latter required for defining recursive functions inside another function). These will be covered in detail later in the book.

We've seen let used above in the REPL; the same applies inside functions:

(defun display-answer ()
  (let ((answer (* 2 (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6))))
    (io:format "The answer is ~p~n" `(,answer))))

This is a straight-forward case of assignment; but what if we needed to assign a varaible that depended upon another variable. Using let, you'd have to do this:

(defun display-answer ()
  (let ((data '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
    (let ((answer (* 2 (lists:sum data))))
      (io:format "The answer is ~p~n" `(,answer)))))

However, as with other Lisps, LFE provides a convenience macro for this: let*. Here's how it's used:

(defun display-answer ()
  (let* ((data '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
         (answer (* 2 (lists:sum data))))
    (io:format "The answer is ~p~n" `(,answer))))

Lexical scoping helps one isolate unrelated data or calculations, even in the same function: multiple let or let* blocks may be declared in a function and none of the bound variables in one block will be available to another block. Attempting to do so will result in an error.

In Modules

In LFE, one cannot bind variables at the module-level, only functions and macros. This is part of the "no global variables" philosophy (and practice!) of Erlang and LFE. Module-level bindings are done with defun for functions and defmacro for macros. The creation of modules, functions, and macros will all be covered in detail later in the book.


One shadows a variable in one scope when, at a higher scope, that variable was also defined. Here's an annotated example:

(defun shadow-demo ()
  (let ((a 5))
    (io:format "~p~n" `(,a))    ; prints 5
    (let ((a 'foo))             ; 'a' here shadows 'a' in the previous scope
      (io:format "~p~n" `(,a))) ; prints foo
    (io:format "~p~n" `(,a)))   ; prints 5; the shadow binding is out of scope
  (let ((a 42))
    (io:format "~p~n" `(,a))))  ; prints 42 - new scope, no shadowing

Shadowing also may occur at the module-level with the definition of functions, and the shadowing could be of functions at one of several levels. Here's a run-down on function shadowing in modules, from the highest or "outermost" to the lowest or "innermost":

  • Predefined Erlang built-in functions (BIFs) may be shadowed by any of the following
  • Predefined LFE BIFs may be shadowed by any of the following
  • Module imports may shadow any of the above via aliasing
  • Functions defined in a module may shadow any of the above
  • Functions defined inside a function (e.g., via flet or fletrec) may shadow any of the above

Note that to shadow functions in LFE, functions must match both in name as well as arity (number of arguments).

The hd Erlang BIF returns the "head" of a list (the first item). Here's an example of shadowing it in the REPL. Here's the BIF at work:

lfe> (hd '(a b c d e))

Next, paste this into the REPL:

(defun hd (_)
  ;; part of the pun here is that the same function in Lisp is called 'car'
  "My other car is The Heart of Gold.")

The hd function takes one argument (a list), so our function also needs to take one. However, since we don't do anything with that, we use the "don't care" variable _.

Now let's call hd again:

lfe> (hd '(a b c d e))
"My other car is The Heart of Gold."


Note that, like many other Lisps, LFE has the car function, but since this is a core form, it can't be shadowed (see the next section).

The Unshadowable

Shadowing does not apply to the supported LFE core forms. It may appear that your code is shadowing those forms, but the compiler will always use the core meaning and never an alternative. It does this silently, without warning -- so take care and do not be surprised!


Core LFE forms are never be shadowed.