Creating LFE Libraries

Library projects are those with no running applications or scripts; they simply provide some core bit of functionality intended for use by applications, scripts, or other libraries.

To create a library project with the default name:

rebar3 new lfe-lib

This will generate the following output:

===> Writing my-lfe-lib/
===> Writing my-lfe-lib/LICENSE
===> Writing my-lfe-lib/rebar.config
===> Writing my-lfe-lib/.gitignore
===> Writing my-lfe-lib/src/my-lfe-lib.lfe
===> Writing my-lfe-lib/src/

You can also explicitely name your project:

rebar3 new lfe-lib forty-two

Which will produce the following:

===> Writing forty-two/
===> Writing forty-two/LICENSE
===> Writing forty-two/rebar.config
===> Writing forty-two/.gitignore
===> Writing forty-two/src/forty-two.lfe
===> Writing forty-two/src/

As mentioned abouve, the REPL offers a nice way to quickly interact your new project.

Start the REPL:

cd forty-two
rebar3 lfe repl

Call the generated/sample LFE function:

lfe> (mything:my-fun)