
Use generic functions for servers and protocol handlers wherever possible

In many circumstances it is a good idea to use generic server programs such as the generic server implemented in the standard libraries. Consistent use of a small set of generic servers will greatly simplify the total system structure.

The same is possible for most of the protocol handling software in the system.

Write tail-recursive servers

All servers must be tail-recursive, otherwise the server will consume memory until the system runs out of it.

Don't program like this:

(defun loop ()
    (`#(msg1 ,msg1)
    ('stop 'true)
     (logger:error "Process ~w got unknown msg ~w~n"
                   `(,(self) ,other))
  ;; don't do this! This is not tail-recursive!
  (io:format "Server going down" '()))

This is a correct solution:

(defun loop ()
    (`#(msg1 ,msg1)
     (io:format "Server going down" '()))
     (logger:error "Process ~w got unknown msg ~w~n"
                   `(,(self) ,other))

If you use some kind of server library, for example generic, you automatically avoid doing this mistake.